Teens are getting craftier and craftier about finding ways of getting their business on. Now, every teenager is not bad and I am not trying to make that point here. I am just asking you to be aware that is all and to listen to what your teenager has to say and all that’s it.
Step 1
There are some clubs or bars in Queens, NY that will let a 14 year old kid in. Now, I honestly don’t know which ones but…that is why you are looking out for your kids. Almighty dollar!
Teens who go out to the movies as a group may sneak out of the movie (through the back of the movie house there are double doors there) and go find places to have sex in the bushes when it is dark outside.
Or Worse yet, smoke blunts (this is a New York slang term way of saying marijuana rolled into Phillies blunts cigar casings) outside while they wait for the gypsy cab to load up to take them back to Queens.
There is a movie theater that is right on the edge of Queens NY and Long Island NY. It can be a high crime area because when the perpetrators commit the crime over by the movie theater it is in one county or jurisdiction and then if they drive too far up the street they are now in another county and jurisdiction, okay.
So now you have the Long Island police chasing the bad guys and with sirens and lights and the whole bit right, now if the suspect drives too far up the street the police have to stop and let the Queens police take over and wait for them to come and arrest the people and that takes a long time. So what happens is that a lot of times the suspect gets away with it.
I don’t know if you saw the movie “American Gangster” with Denzel Washington or not, but there was a scene in the movie when they were following the drug money into The City and they were out of their jurisdiction because they were Hoboken police and had crossed the bridge into Manhattan NY. This is the part where Detective Trupo says that “If you ever cross this bridge again you better call me to ask if it is all right.” Remember that part in the movie? Well, this is basically what is going on in real life. I see a lot of teenagers over there smoking marijuana behind this movie theater and more stuff goes on too.
I mean like, can you imagine if Boss Hog from “The Dukes of Hazzard” had to stop chasing the bad guy just because he went ten blocks up the street too far? Come on! Like, that would NEVER happen on TV! But then again the General Lee was pretty fast as I recall.
Pray this prayer over your child when your child says she all of a sudden has to go to “Study hall” or “Over to a friend’s house” or to “The Library.” "Father, in thy precious and Holy name Jesus I ask that you would watch over (insert your child’s name here) and keep her safe as she goes out and does what she needs to do and protect her from the top of her head to the soles of her feet. In Jesus’precious and holy name I thank you for this, Amen." Happy Mother's Day mom and thank you!
I mean I liked to party with my friends when I was a teenager too. We used to go hang out on Ohio State University’s campus and they had beer and everything at all the open sorority houses and fraternity houses. It was great. You would see people jumping into small rubber baby pools filled with beer and stuff. Just crazy, fun times of youth and believe me, I am not trying to rob your teenager of fun times because I had fun times and so did you. I am just saying that I am still here because my mother prayed for me before I went out to party with my wild girlfriends and all, knaaamean?
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