Build a relationship of trust and respect with your daughter. This does not happen overnight and takes time and understanding. Give her support and be there for her when she needs you. Schedule regular quality time together so you can share and build precious memories and trust. Once you gain her trust she will open up more to you.Step2
Quality time spent together to have fun and relax will build closeness and friendship between you and your teenage daughter. This will increase her trust and communication with you. Take walks in the park or spend time engaging in outdoor activities, for example, hiking or camping.Step3
Active listening is the key to building a close and open communication relationship. Listening is understanding that your daughter needs to talk about something she is concerned about or wants some advice on.Step4
Don't be judgmental and resist the temptation to lose your patience or temper if she disagrees or is resistant to your plans or ideas. This is a time when a teenager is trying to learn about herself and her self-esteem and confidence can easily be eroded or damaged by unkind or hurtful remarks.Step5
A great way to effectively communicate with your teenage daughter is to find ways to share experiences. Read together, go to the movies or concerts together. Meet and know who her circle of friends are and show interest in what is happening in her life and in her opinions about current events.Step6
Resist losing your temper when there is a disagreement. Don't make denigrating remarks since this could have long-term consequences and could be remembered for a lifetime. Losing control over your emotions and lashing out at your teenage daughter will only erode or destroy the trust and respect between daughter and parents.Step7
Careful when you make jokes to your teenage daughter. Sometimes this can be taken in the wrong way or she might think it is directed at her. This can have devastating consequences to a young girl's self-esteem. 

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