To help your teenager who is in an abusive relationship

Your teenager is in an abusive relationship and you dont know what to do here are a couple of helpful hints for you.


If you suspect your teenager is in an abusive relationship they are things that you should do right away. First thing is take away the phone at night time. If you know that they are in an abusive relationship take it away completely.

Notify the parents. If they don't live with their parents because they are an adult contact the police. Your teenager shouldn't be going out with anyone that is over 18. But that is up to you. Your the parent.

If this is happening online also. You must monitor you teenager on the computer at all times or just remove the internet right away.

If they can see the other person in school. Contact the school and notify them of what is going on.

talk to your teenager. Explain to him/her that what is going on is not there fault and tell them that it is best for him/her to end this relationship right away.
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