Talk to a Teen About Underage Drinking

Underage drinking is more common among teenagers, ages 12 to 21, than smoking or marijuana use. It leads to poor decision making, binge drinking and a host of other potential problems. However, underage drinking issues often receive less attention than drug use or smoking. It is important discuss underage drinking with children at an early age.


Include even the youngest children in conversations about underage drinking and alcohol. This sets the stage for open communication with teens later.

Maintain a clear family policy about underage drinking. Explain this policy to your teen, so that there are no arguments later about the expectations.

Explain that although drinking is legal for adults, it is not legal for anyone under 21. Remind them that this law must be observed by everyone, in and out of the home.

Listen to feedback from your teens and do not hold any information against them. Your children will be reluctant to talk to you about their social situations if you begin to pass judgment on friends or criticize them.

Clarify that most adults can drink in moderation and never have problems with alcohol, but that some underage teens tend to binge drink. Binge drinking can lead to car accidents, sexual assaults and general poor judgment.

Role play with your teen situations and conversations that can happen in everyday life. Have your child play the part of a friend who encourages drinking and demonstrate how you would say no, without ruining a friendship.
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