sleepy teen
Getting your teen to wake up in the morning can be a times quite a challenge. Just because their older doesn't mean that they don't need as much sleep as any other child. And all to often their days are filled with so much activity it doesn't leave much time for sleeping. And this is why having some structure in their life can be very important.
Step 1
After school activities: Cutting back on some of the after school activities might be a good idea. So many times teens find themselves spread so thin, it's just impossible to get everything done and get a good nights sleep at the same time.
Step 2
Starting on homework early is always helpful, at least that way they will have a little time to relax before bedtime.
Step 3
Set a bedtime: This one is likely to cause some problems and many teens will resist. But it's for their own good and you as the parent need to be firm on this.
Step 4
Set the alarm clock on the other side of the room so that they will have to get up to shut it off.
Step 5
Weekends: The weekend can completely blow your schedule. If your teen is staying out to all hours on weekend and then sleeping half the day, you're going to be right back where you started come Monday morning. In this case the old saying that nothing good ever happens after midnight can be very true. A good rule is to not stay up more than two hours later on the weekends.
Step 6
None of these things are designed to make you popular with your teen. But then again you're the parent and it's your job to make sure that they get the best possible start in life. They may not see it that way right now but if you do your job right someday they will! Bookmark/Share this article with others: